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What is this, Amyteur Hour? Yes, and welcome!

Welcome to Amyteur Hour! I'm Amy, the amateur chef behind the recipes. 


This site is my way of making cooking approachable and fun for home cooks. My journey began in the most humble of kitchens, equipped only with a microwave and a box of frozen chicken nuggets. After nearly a decade of self-taught trials, triumphs, and the occasional kitchen blunder, I've learned to mix homemade efforts with convenient solutions perfect for those with busy lives but have a passion for creative cooking. My inspirations? An array of cooking shows, social media accounts, travels, and, of course, a dash of creative improvisation. Here, you'll find recipes that are not only filling and nutritious but also tailored for the practicalities and realities of everyday cooking.

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My Story

Believe it or not, I was the pickiest eater as a child. My mother, a wonderful cook in her own right, consistently presented well-balanced meals, only for me to stubbornly refuse. My diet was a monotonous rotation of pasta, chicken nuggets, and the occassional baby carrot.


Everything changed in college. The turning point? A seemingly ordinary meal in a friend's dorm kitchenette upended my perspective on food. It was simple yet transformative: citrusy baked salmon, crisp zucchini, and perfectly roasted potatoes. Reluctantly taking my first bite, I experienced a moment straight out of a movie: a flavor explosion that made my taste buds dance and opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of food. Since then, I've embraced culinary adventures, learning that new foods aren't intimidating and that I'm more than capable of grasping different cooking techniques.

Join me on this delicious journey as we learn, experiment, and grow as cooks together. You can also catch my creations on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Remember, from one amateur chef to another: You've got this. (1) (1).png


Let's connect!

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